Drug Record Book

Report Critiera | Sort Options | Sample Reports


The Drug Record Book provides a list of all status Complete, Amend, Cancelled and Hold prescriptions filled for patients in a group during the report period.

Two versions of the report are available:

  • Pharmacy Copy: The official file copy for the prescriptions.

  • Facility Copy: A list that can be provided to the Long-Term Care facility.

Note: When the report is previewed and printed, the Pharmacy Copy is always before the Facility Copy. Each copy has its own page number range. For example, the total report may be 9 pages long, but the first 5 pages are the Pharmacy Copy and the last 4 pages are the Facility Copy.

Non-retail prescriptions with the following group Rx statuses appear on the report:

A - Active Regular Dose

W - Active PRN Dose

O - Active Non-Drug

C - First Fill Print Only External

P - First Fill Print Only

D - Daily (for Monthly NH Only)

X - Active External

I - Inactivate Regular

Z - Adjudicate to $0.00

Report Critiera

Drug Record Book Criteria tab


The report can be generated for a specific patient (the patient does not have to belong to a group), all groups, a specific group, or for a range of prescription numbers filled for patients in the group. It can also be generated for a specific Area, Floor or Wing within a group.

To generate a report for this...

Do this...


To generate the report for a specific patient, enter the patient's name in the Patient field of the Criteria tab. The patient can be retail or non-retail, and does not have to belong to a group.

Note: When a patient belongs to a group, the group must be flagged as ACTIVE for the patient/group to appear on the report.


  • To generate the report for all groups, leave all report criteria fields blank.

  • To generate the report for all prescriptions filled for a specific group during the report period, only the name of the group needs to be entered in the Groups field of the Criteria tab.

Rx# Range

To generate the report for an Rx# range, the name of the group must be entered in the Groups field of the Criteria tab. The next step is to enter the Rx# range. The beginning number in the range must be entered in the First Rx# field, and the last number in the range must be entered in the Last Rx# field. The report includes prescriptions within the Rx# range that were filled for patients in the group; the prescriptions must have a Fill Date that falls within the report period.

Area, Floor and/or Wing

To generate the report for an Area, Floor and/or Wing, the name of the group must be entered in the Groups field of the Criteria tab. Enter the Area, Floor and/or Wing in the appropriate field(s).

Batch ID

To generate the report for a Batch ID, enter the Batch ID that is displayed in the Batch Profile.

The Copies field allows multiple copies of the report to print, up to a maximum of 9 copies. Enter the number of copies or use the up and down arrows to make a selection. The duplicate copies print together, meaning all Non-Narcotic Pharmacy copies print together, as will all Narcotic Pharmacy copies. The same applies to the Facility copies.


Extended Report Criteria

Extended report criteria provides the following options:

Report Type

Choose which version(s) of the report to print

  • Pharmacy Copy: The official file copy for the prescriptions.
  • Facility Copy: A list that can be provided to the Long-Term Care facility.

Rx Type

Non-Narcotic and Narcotic versions of the report can be generated by selecting the relevant Rx Type in the Extended report criteria. Non-Narcotic and Narcotic versions can both be created at the same time.

  • The Non-Narcotic version lists all regular prescriptions filled during the report period. The report is defaulted to generate the Non-Narcotic version.

  • The Narcotic version lists all narcotic prescriptions filled during the report period. To generate a Narcotic version, select the Narcotic checkbox in the Extended report criteria.

One Patient per Page Allows a single patient to print on each page.
Print Rx Barcode This option is enabled when Pharmacy Copy is selected. It prints a barcode for each prescription, allowing the report to be batch scanned and attached to the corresponding prescriptions in PharmaClik Rx.

Sort Options

The Sort Options allow the Facility Copy and the Pharmacy Copy to have different sort orders:

  • The Pharmacy Copy is the pharmacy’s file copy, therefore the default sort order is by Rx# in ascending order.

  • The default sort order for the Facility Copy is Patient Name.

Drug Record Book sort options

The following sort options are available for both report types:


Prescriptions are sorted by Area in ascending order. If there are multiple patients in an area, the patients will be listed alphabetically by patient name.

Doctor Name

Prescriptions are sorted alphabetically by doctor name, then by Rx# in ascending order.


Prescriptions are sorted by the patient’s Floor in ascending order, then by Rx# in ascending order.

Patient Name

Prescriptions are sorted alphabetically by patient name, then by Rx# in ascending order.

Rx Number

Prescriptions are sorted by Rx# in ascending order.


Prescriptions are sorted by the patient’s Wing in ascending order, then by Rx# in ascending order.

Sample Reports

Make a selection from the dropdowns to see a sample of each report.